Just born!

On the weekend we found this very young Cape Buffalo calf and its mum. The little one stayed very close to its mother, who still showed all the signs of a recent birth.

It is very important for the calf to get licked and nuzzled by mum and lick and nuzzle mum. It creates a bond that is important for them to identify one another within a herd.

We observed them for a while and I was fascinated by the big eyes in the small head 🙂

Technical data: Canon R6 with RF lens f4-6.3/24-240mm | ISO 2000 | 1/500sec | f6.3 | ev+0 | 150mm | WB 6500K | AV Mode

Have a good week 🙂

PS: I will be on a trip to Europe from end of this week until mid of June. My wildlife blogs/posts will resume on 17 June.

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