Necks too short?

Two days ago, I spent the late afternoon at one of my favorite Thanda Safari water holes.

And just as the sun started to set, four giraffes arrived to have an evening drink.

When most mammals want to have a drink, they simply lower their heads to the water. Their necks are long enough and their legs are short enough to make this a very simple process.

Not so for adult giraffes. They either have to spread their front legs extra wide or do a funny half-kneel to reach the water to drink.

So the giraffes either have legs that are too long or necks that are too short!

Technical data: Canon R6 with RF lens f4-6.3/24-240mm | ISO 2000 | 1/2000sec | f6.3 | ev+0 | 220mm | WB 6500K | AV Mode | Crop to 60% of the original image.

#amazingwildlife #africansafari #safarigetaway #christiansperkaphotography #thandasafari #big5 #gamereserve #wildlifephotography #learnphotography

… and few extra pictures from the same ‘photo shoot’:

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